
Top Differences Between React.js, React VR And React Native


One look at the web apps, mobile apps and the VR apps in the present time will direct you towards a powerful platform, React. The different versions of React have been specifically developed for the developed for faster and focused development. There are different libraries designed for the different purposes, and we will be discussing, the pros and cons associated with each of the React libraries. Let’s start with React.js

Everything about React.js

React.js is a widely used JavaScript specifically used to create user interfaces. The first time React was developed or introduced was by Facebook. It is not unknown that Facebook was the first to use this framework to make its interface usable and efficient. Developed by Facebook for the platform, React.js was basically targeted towards web apps. With React.js, you can easily scale up the web application, and ensure you release an app with fewer bugs. The Virtual DOM and the functional approach to design makes it the best framework for web applications.

Here are a few benefits of using React.js for web application development.

  • It has a mild learning curve. You don’t really need to learn most of the concepts.
  • Reusability of the code components
  • Optimized applications if combined with the server-side renderer
  • Easy to debug solutions
  • Decomposition of HTML into usable pieces of code
  • Easy testing using JEST

The components of the React.js have been designed in such a way that they are fixated towards developing web applications alone.

React and React Native are often confused; however, while React is used to develop web applications, React Native has been specifically designed to develop mobile apps. Hence, you won’t see  <div>, <h1> and <h2> tags with React Native. However, you will see the tags <View> and <Text> tags instead with React Native, while designing the mobile apps.

React Native


Ok, this is what was truly used to develop the Facebook app. In fact, this is the same framework that was used to design the Instagram app as well. Today, this framework comes with a new library and has been tailored to develop mobile apps specifically.

The React package comes with components such as Navigator, Text, TextInput, View, ScrollView etc. along with the native components for iOS and Android. You can empower your native applications using the React framework. Instead of XML used in Android, you will use the JS functions and classes to develop the mobile apps that are similar to the native apps.

Why use React Native for mobile apps?


  • A better focus on UI makes the app more usable to the end users
  • You can reuse the logic when designing apps for Android and iOS. With React, you develop a single app for both platforms, and it will perform like a native app
  • The component-based architecture calls for a smooth development
  • An easy learning curve, as you don’t need to know anything beyond JavaScript, if you want to know the platform in detail
  • The native-like components and modules improve the app performance and allow the APIs to render the specific codes with ease
  • The UI components for React Native can easily augment the UI of your app

If you were a mobile app developer, you needed to work on Java, Objective C and other languages to come up with a mobile app for iOS and Android. However, the need for more than one language has been removed with React Native.

Moving on to React VR


With the jump made by technology towards VR, it is not surprising that we get to see so many VR applications being developed in the present times. With this framework, you can build interactive and immersive user interfaces. The 3D spaces have been impactfully designed by this framework.

The main purpose of this technology is to create 3D spaces and panaroma pictures; it has not been introduced to develop gaming apps. The 360 degree images with text make up for a grand scene for your business, thus initiating interactions with the target market.

Here we will discuss why you should be using React VR

  • You just need to know React to work with React VR. It has been simplified for VR app solutions.
  • Open source and free to use means you can develop apps for lesser cost with this framework.
  • You can create basic 3D scenes or panorama views and landscapes with this framework, giving your business a dynamic view
  • With this included to your list of tools, you can offer better experiences and a wide range of services to your users
  • You can reuse the codes and create 3D spaces with the React VR



React has created focused frameworks for the web, mobile and VR application development needs posed by you as a developer. The learning curve is small, and it is easy to create interactive solutions with this framework.

Coruscate offers highly functional React based solutions for the various mediums. We have delivered success stories with our React expertise. Connect with us to give your idea the React extension.

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