What Is AngularJS application And Why One Should Hire AngularJS Developer In 2018

AngularJS is an open-source MVC (model-view controller) JavaScript framework, to develop cost-effective, large scale applications. AngularJS is basically used for front-end development. It offers automatic model synchronization. It is one of the most powerful technologies which is also used to build single page applications.
AngularJS is a lightweight, supports all major browsers. And built for creating a testable JavaScript code. It’s a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It allows users to use HTML as the template language.
Some Technical Features of AngularJS
- Follows MVVM Patterns:
- MVVM: (Model-View-View Model) is an architectural pattern where the User Interface controls and their presentation logic is separated
- Models hold the data
- View Model holds the representational data
- View represents the User Interface, which is just an HTML
- Supports REST Architecture:
- It is an architectural style for designing distributed systems
- You can do single line coding, easy to understand by users and machine, too
- Data Binding and Dependency Injection:
- Data Binding is the process to build a connection between the user interface of application and business logic.
- And Dependency Injection means when one object is having dependency over another object or else one project supplies the dependency of another object.
- AngularJS takes care of all this things, where you can express your data by using JavaScript primitives like arrays or some custom data types.
- Extends HTML:
- Most of the websites built today are difficult to understand as they don’t have much clarity in it. We need to create more CSS classes to express the intention of each object in the DOM (Data Object Model).
- With AngularJS, things have become easy to understand and work with. AngularJS works with HTML and XML for endless possibilities.
- HTML as Template:
- As AngularJS is easy to understand and plus it uses the basic HTML as its template language, it becomes more easier to use and execute too.
- It also makes use of its own written custom code called directives like ng-directives, MD-directives.
- Enterprise-level Testing:
- As AngularJS application doesn’t need any type of additional framework or plugins, it even includes testing. One can easily test the app with all built-in features of AngularJS.
Why AngularJS
- Because it has one of the strongest back end development facility.
- It is an open source framework, which allows you to develop the UI as per customer’s need and also the single page applications.
- Sooner and later, one can publish the Angular components as web components, which can be used anywhere by any application
- The application size of Angular has reduced majorly with the use of Static Injection, where Static Injection means it helps to make it possible for objects to partially participate in dependency injection, by gaining access to injected types without being injected themselves
- Now the Angular compiler supports the incremental compilation
- The web apps developed by the AngularJS are standardized across every browser and the OS for the users
- AngularJS is compliant with the typescript Strict Null Checks
How to Hire an AngularJS top notch Developer
If you are looking forward to hiring dedicated developer team then Coruscate is the perfect answer to it. And even you don’t know anything about AngularJS then no need to worry. Our team at Coruscate has every answer to it.
For an example, the clients for whom we have developed the web application or mobile application, are all from different fields. Here is the list of the clients for whom we have developed the app.
» Bank2Grow
A B2B marketplace that makes borrowers and investors meet
» The Centre Court
This client is into Bakery Business and fine-dine as well.
» EO Mumbai
It’s an entrepreneurial organization, which is a global peer-to-peer network.
New Features in the AngularJS:
AngularJS offers features like
- MVC Framework
- Which means a smooth Model View Control Architecture, which is dynamic in nature
- User Interface with HTML
- AngularJS uses HTML to build the user interface. Because HTML is very easy to understand and a language of shorter tags
- POJO Model
- POJO stands for Plain Old JavaScript Objects, which are very sufficient in terms of functionality
- Less Code to Write
- AngularJS is very easy for angular developers, it requires very less code to write for applications development and it doesn’t ask for the separate code for Model View Controller at the same time it can be efficiently used for developing single page applications.
- Unit Testing
- With AngularJS the testing part has got easy. And the application uses Dependency Injection to bind the entire application together.
- DOM (Data-Object Model) Manipulation
- It modifies and manipulates the DOM to update the data and the behavior. And with the use of AngularJS, data manipulation’s tasks have now become of the directives and not views.
- Context-aware Communication
- The PubSub system in Angular has been it specific that the broadcast () will send messages to all the children controller.
- And few messages are there to be read by both the children controllers and ancestors controllers
- Behavior with Directives
- Directives are different element set which can be used anywhere other than your web application.
- Service Providers
- AngularJS provides better than services than other frameworks
- It provides the services like to exposure the API to expose what we want and to expose
To make your own webstie or mobile application in angular JS people highly recommend Us. Coruscate is one of the best angularjs development services providing company, our expert web developer team member or project management will get in touch with you to understand your requirement and to figure out the right solution for the same.