Distance learning solutions to coronavirus outbreak

How Covid-19 is heckling children’s education:
Roughly billions of people are still in a lockdown situation in a matter of weeks due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It seems like the whole world is at some virtual standstill. Students are no exception to this. According to the latest data released by UNESCO, around 1.3 billion learners across the globe are unable to go to the schools or universities as of 23rd march 2020. This figure includes the pre-primary, primary, secondary, higher secondary and tertiary levels of education. Certainly the pandemic is expected to have an enormous effect on global education. The pandemic can collapse or reshape the education system but it totally depends on our reaction towards it.
How to address the Covid-19 challenges in education:
The response of many countries towards the challenge is quite similar and it is going digital. Students in Hong Kong started learning at home via interactive apps. In China students got learning material via live television broadcasts. Schools in Nigeria taking lectures over Google Classroom. Similarly students across the world are going for online classes. It’s like learning “anytime, anywhere”. Adjusting to this transformation in education is important for teachers, children as well as parents. But with the knowledge of these resources things might get easier.
Here are some digital tools and resources which can help you to make distance learning possible.
- Google Classroom: Helps in online teaching
- Blackboard: Resources and tools to provide quality education
- Moodle: Globally supporters open learning platform
- Cell-Ed: Learner-centered platform with offline options
- Eneza Education: Provide learning materials for basic feature phones
- CenturyTech: Helps in personal learnings
- ClassDojo: Connects teachers with students and parents
Apart from this, there are many self-directed learning applications. Below are a few of them:
- Discovery Education: Free lessons about viruses and outbreaks for different grades
- Byju’s: Learning application for any level of learner
- Khan Academy: learning application with tools for teachers and parents to track student’s progress
- OneCourse: Child-focused learning application
- Quizlet: Learning through flashcards and games
- Geekie: Portuguese language-based web portal provides personalized education
There are tools to create learning materials. Let’s see few off them
- Thinglink: To create multimedia resources
- Buncee: Creation and sharing visual representation
- Nearpod: to create informative and interactive content
- EdPuzzle: To create video-lessons
As you can see many educations institutions across the world are using one or the other mobile applications or web portals to stabilize the children’s education during the pandemic. And the usage will increase in the near future. You need an experienced application development company with a strong technical team to enter into the market with proper planning and with outstanding features to make a profitable business.
How the Coruscate can help you to grab this business opportunity:
Coruscate is the top mobile development company and trusted by many famous brands. We have business analysts and legal advisers in our team to make the journey effortless.
To know more about the cost of on demand teaching app development, an advanced feature we offer feel free to contact us. Coruscate will give you a free consultation and application demo.