What does Google offer in its new Free Kotlin Courses & How to Avail it?

Google – the Android maker is infusing cash to promote its purpose to draw more developers who can build apps for the world’s most famous operating system.
They have launched new free video courses to help up-and-coming programmers learn Kotlin, the fastest-growing programming language on Microsoft-owned GitHub. This is said to be Google’s attempt to move Android app makers from Oracle-owned Java to Kotlin. Kotlin is the official Android programming language from JetBrains, a Czech-based integrated development environment (IDE) maker.
Google has offered two new courses for developers to study Kotlin app development. There are two tutorials launched to make learning easier. The courses launched by Google are “Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers” and “Developing Android Apps in Kotlin”. The courses are designed to help developers to understand Kotlin and then develop functional Android apps.
Kotlin is gaining popularity every day as Google has declared it to be its official language.
Google has started making efforts from the last year by working with online developer education company Udacity to present free lessons and has now offered them in the form of ‘Codelab courses that are formatted like tutorials’.
Google advertises Kotlin as a “compact” and “advanced object-oriented language that offers a strong type system, type inference, null safety, properties, lambdas, extensions, coroutines, higher-order functions”.
How to Avail Online Kotlin Courses?
Google has introduced new free courses to push the developers in the direction of developing apps for Android. The developers can learn Kotlin app development through Google Codelabs either via Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers or Developing Android Apps in Kotlin. The two courses are tutorial based lessons. They provide valuable information that the developers must know about Kotlin.
The courses are directed at developers who have some expertise in programming object-oriented, statically typed languages like Java or C# and who have used IDEs such as JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, Eclipse, or Microsoft’s Visual Studio.
What will the developers know in “Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers”?
It is mentioned in Google’s blog that this course as per its name is a complete walk-through of the Kotlin programming language which concentrates on training developers on how to write simple statements, functional guidance with extending built-in functions, and other such development processes.
What will developers study in the “Developing Android Apps in Kotlin” course?
Developing Android apps in Kotlin is very easy and one can learn the language with the help of the courses very easily. The developers will first check out “Hello World!” in order to create simple UIs or even building complex apps that request data from a live server.
They have dedicated a lot of space to the Android Jetpack which is a toolkit for developing Android apps. It also includes elements like Work Manager. The program also centers on libraries, also including the ones for loading images, JSON-parsing, and networking as many of the developers must have rightly anticipated.
The lessons in these two Kotlin app development courses allow developers to study Kotlin. According to Google, the courses help the developers to test their growing skills on an app. As mentioned in the company’s blogpost, in each lesson of the course a developer can work with a realistically architected app and execute key features.
If a developer is learning how to deploy a dice roller app, he studies and learns about the implementation of navigation by building the ‘Android Trivia’ game. One can learn about creating a Room database by building a sleep tracker app.”
Google is promoting Kotlin app development and tutorials
Google has revised the courses to publish them as tutorial-based Codelab courses. More than 2.5 million users have worked through Google Codelabs in the current year.
The company ensures mobile app developers who learn the courses will study everything that is used to program in Kotlin. The course also includes how to write Kotlin statements and writing builtin functions.
We have seen Google trying hard to inspire developers to go for Kotlin for Android app development and Kotlin app development tutorials. But there is still a war between the most popular language choice for creating Android apps as most developers were comfortable with Java.
Many developers still prefer to work with Java as their primary language and also it was the initial language for the Android app development. Dice has conducted a survey this summer supporting the fact that approximately 85% of developers choose Java instead of Kotlin.
Nevertheless, there is no refuting that Kotlin is winning recognition with each passing day. After the initiation of the two free Kotlin app development courses, we can imagine a day when Kotlin will outmode Java is every way.