How to Plan Educational Apps That Will Boost Learning?

Education has gone global with the adoption of technology. You no longer need to restrict yourself to courses and universities in your country; you can choose from a range of institutes and courses available at the global level. Now, a Cuban student can study in an American University without traveling. That’s the beauty of having the technology.
Technology has not only refined where we go or which university we get our education from; it has also transformed how we educate ourselves and how we learn a particular concept. From VR-based applications that teach the heart system in a 3D format, thus helping the student understand it better to the iPad apps that make the early stage learners ace math.
In this domination of educational technology, mobile apps have become a necessity. There are numerous apps that serve millions of functions and aid learning abilities. There are apps for the specific learning models as well as for specific concepts.
If you are planning to enter the industry with your own educational apps, here are the basic features that you simply cannot ignore. These features can be enhanced or customized to meet your app requirements but, you cannot miss out on them when developing your mobile app.
1. The Comprehensive Database
The data is what helps the mobile app surge ahead and help the users. From content about the educational concept that you want the users to learn to the latest information and current trends in educational technology, everything forms the database, which is essential for your mobile app.
The database of the mobile app plays an important role in the features that you ought to have. Make sure the database is quick and easy to access. The loading time should be as low as possible, and the information should be available at the tap of a finger. Slow internet speeds or offline mode should not affect the app’s database.
2. Make The Content Interesting
The content is an essential part of the educational technology tools. Make sure the content is interesting and engaging. This goes for all the mobile apps that you will deliver in this segment. Ensure you have personalized the content for the readers in the target audience. If the content is not relevant, then your mobile app is irrelevant to them too. The content should be app friendly. If the user opens the content on the small screen, they should be able to view it properly. A mobile-friendly content gets maximum engagement. Make sure you take that aspect into account when developing educational apps.
3. Live Tutorials
A face-to-face interaction always works for both the students and the teachers. Make sure you have features that allow the teachers to upload videos of the sessions and make the concept interactive for the distance learning students. You should also allow live tutorials as part of the mobile app. The virtual atmosphere that you create as a result will help the students learn better. In case they fail to understand a concept, they can ask questions and seek answers immediately. This feature is a must for all learning apps.
4. Easy Registration
Login and registration are two aspects that need to be taken care of when hosting your own edtech app. Make sure the student can easily log in, have quick access to basic information about their studies and enjoy the sessions. For instance, having a signup through Google accounts should be easy for them. You can think of other interactive registration and logins for the students.
As soon as the student signs into your account, they should be taken to a dashboard that shows the details of their activities and what remains to be done. For instance, in case of a distance learning app, the dashboard can tell them about the assignments that have been marked, the ones that are yet to be checked and the ones that are to be submitted in the coming week. They will also get to know about the lectures they have to attend in the week.
5. Simple User Interface
The user interface should be designed keeping in mind the target audience and how they use mobile apps. For instance, if your iPad app is meant for students who have just started their 1st grade, then your user interface should be simple and easy to use. The kids won’t like too challenging or complex interfaces.
For the pre-teens, you can use an interface that challenges them and makes life easier for them. At the end of the day, simplicity and clean interface is the key to getting the engagement you desire. Make sure you follow the standards of devising a user interface for mobile app development. An uncluttered and aesthetically developed interface will get maximum traction.
6. Push Notifications
It is important you use the push notifications wherever you believe they will be beneficial to your mobile app. The push notifications will help you get personalized messages across to the user, and ensure their interest remains in your mobile app. Make sure you allow the user to personalize the settings for the push notifications. Don’t go too pushy with your notifications, as that might get the user out of your app immediately.
7. Manage The Flow
The flow should be managed well in the mobile app. Keep the app as organized as possible. The way you manage the app and how well you define it will help you get to the target audience. The idea is to integrate the information well and compartmentalize it. For instance, if your app works for grade 5 to grade 10, then make sure you have segmented the information well, in a way that they can access it for the grade they want to.
A good social media integration that is defined and strategized will help you acquire the right users. You should ideally upload the right information on the right channels to attract attention.
Edtech mobile apps are gaining importance, and a lot of businesses have set out to deliver the needs of the students with able mobile apps.
Coruscate works towards ensuring a bright future for the students with apps that are friendly and functional. If you have an app idea, connect with us for mobile app development from start to end. We will not only validate your idea but also develop the ideal solution for your requirements.