How To Increase Conversions At Mobile Checkout In 2018?

We have transferred from the sit-at-one-place online consumer to the on-the-go consumer. We tend to search, research, compare and shop, while on the move. The famous “there is an app for everything” has added convenience in our lives.
According to statistics, users turn to mobile devices whenever they want to search or know about something. They access sites via their mobile devices.
Let’s quickly catch up with the statistics
52.12% of the website traffic was directed from mobile devices in the Q4 of 2017
The global conversion rates for mobile devices in the Q1 of 2017 was reported to be 2.48%
The desktop conversions were reported to be higher than the mobile conversions at 3.63%.
This statistic clearly shows that while the visits from mobile are higher, the conversion still happens through the website. Why so? Why aren’t people purchasing on the go? What about the mobile prevents them from converting?
Even without the percentage, we can point towards security being one of the major concerns for purchasing via mobile. When e-commerce started out, people were too apprehensive to buy goods online. Today, they are comfortable buying it via the desktop but, still feel the data is unprotected on the mobile devices, and hackers have a higher chance of getting into the mobile and stealing the data. However, the other reasons for not completing the purchase online can be attributed to the way the entire website looks on the small screen. If the keys are not visible or the users have to zoom in and out to view the products, they will not be interested in viewing the screen for long, and thus move onto another website that provides them the right user experience via the interface.
If the bounce rate on your website is higher than the conversion rate, your website would not only be penalized but also lose out on a major chunk of incoming customers. The main idea is to improve the accessibility of the website or application on the mobile devices.
Most of the bounce rates happen when the mobile user is at the checkout page. Owing to the inaccessible design of the page, most people fail to convert.
The page asks for too much information or, is not designed with the mobile-first approach. Either ways, it hinders your conversion.
Here, we will take you through the steps that will help you increase conversions at the checkout on mobile.
Design for easy access
Before you begin the design process, put yourself in the user’s shoes. How would they access the mobile screens?
Most people use their thumb to access the mobile screens; it could be either their left thumb or the right thumb, depending on the user’s comfort.
Some like to use the cradle approach, wherein the phone is held in one hand, and is accessed by the index finger of the other hand. Here too, the phone could be cradled in the left or the right hand.
When we watch videos, we seldom do it in the portrait mode. We are used to watching in the full-screen, landscape mode. This is another possibility when it comes to accessing the screens. The user could access the particular mobile screen in portrait or landscape mode.
The content should be placed considering the different types of users and how they access the mobile screen. If you want to place a CTA or input fields, make sure it is within the accessible area of the thumb or the index finger. Even when the user rotates the phone to access the content, they should be able to comfortably do so.
Editing made easy
As a user, you are confused about the products you have added to the bag, even at the time of the checkout. You may want to check for other colors, sizes or simply a different variety in the item you have set out to purchase.
If you have to go through the entire labor of going to the product, removing the existing product, adding a new variant to the product and then checking out, you might as well not do it. Abandoning the cart feels like a good idea at such a time.
As a business, you don’t want that to happen, as it would mean one less conversion this quarter. What you can do is change the way editing is done at checkout. Your user should be able to edit, and change the product at the checkout itself to avoid any type of to and fro demanded of them.
If you have not added this to your checkout feature yet, then look at the analytics. You probably have enough consumers moving back and forth from the cart, which means the edit feature is in demand.
Design the checkout form for accessibility and experience
The checkout form is an important element of your mobile checkout process, and helps increase the mobile conversion. There are certain standard rules that you need to follow when designing the checkout form.
- Maintain the length and breadth of each field on the form. They different fields should be stretched to the complete width of the website on the small screen.
- Don’t add too many fields. Add the essential ones, and make sure inputting information into these fields is easy
- Labeling the fields is important for the user’s convenience. Make sure you don’t take up too much space in labeling them. Use standard labeling methods
- Use a standardized font style and size
- Like any standard form online, asterisk is important to indicate the form fields that need to be filled
- Errors should be handled in a design friendly manner. Whenever the user commits an error while entering the field, the form should indicate the error and it should be explicit.
- Call to action button should be placed at the bottom of the form, where it can be accessed by the thumb as well as the finger.
Mobile checkout best practices for input fields
- You can allow autocomplete in the forms so that they don’t have to type everything to the form
- If there is a need to add billing and delivery address, and both are same, make sure you have a checkbox to indicate “same as above”
- You can always change the keyboard as per the field to make things easy. For instance, if numbers have to be entered, allow the number keypad to open when the user is at the field. This way adding the numbers is quite easy.
If your checkout form is designed intelligently, you have better chances of converting the user.
Optimize the content
Minimalism in the content is important if you want to capture the user’s attention and convert them easily. Too much of content at this point can distract them, and reduce their engagement, thus leading to cart abandonment. You are luring a mobile customer so, make sure your content is just enough for their engagement and fits the small screen perfectly.
Make sure you have added content that is just about enough and relevant. Try to keep the page devoid of any images. If you want to add text, make sure it is instructional or descriptive. Adding content that is distracting and unnecessary can make the customer skip your page.
Styling the fonts may seem like a good idea but, we say avoid it. The reason being it takes away the attention from your page and proves to be a major reason for abandonment.
Just keep the essentials, and make inputting the information easy for the users for better mobile conversion optimization.
Add a secure seal
As we discussed earlier, the main reason the user refrains from using the checkout process via mobile is security. Most users believe that paying online via mobile is not a secure option, and should be avoided in all circumstances.
Add the SSL certificate to your mobile website. Your user will see a lock sign and “https” in the URL, which will strengthen their trust in your website.
When they arrive at the payment gateway, make sure you add a certificate claiming the security during transactions. You can also use the Norton logo or the PCI compliance certificate on your mobile site to strengthen the confidence of the user.
Leverage the partnership or collaboration with trusted ecommerce players for a fruitful result. You can allow people to login from the trusted ecommerce player’s account thus, enforcing trust in your brand.
There are many ways to ensure there is security on your mobile site, which will lead to phenomenal marketing conversion rate for your mobile site or app.
Faster checkout options
Apart from the regular checkout, your website should allow faster checkout options as well. For instance, you should have a guest checkout option, which allows people to buy goods without really signing up on your website. If they have logged in for the first time, they might not want to register. They may want to buy a product or two, before registering.
Some people don’t want to spend too much time entering the information, which means you need to find alternative ways of checking them into the mobile site. One of the most prominent ways of getting people to register would be via Google login or Facebook login.
When it comes to payment, add trusted sources like Google Wallet and Paytm for quicker payments and easy checkouts.
Summing up mobile checkout for 2018
You should have an alternative way out for the user who is not sure about the purchase. Instead of abandoning the cart, you can ask them to save the product for later, as Amazon does. Amazon saves the product that has been removed from the cart. You can always add them back to the cart, if and when you want to purchase it.
Along with implementing security on your page, you need to make sure you have identified easy ways for the user to register and checkout, so that they actually buy the products added to the cart.
For a smooth mobile experience, incredible design and easy checkout ways, you can be our technology partner. We will not only validate your idea but also define a personalized strategy and implement ways to execute it smoothly. Coruscate has identified numerous mobile solutions for diverse industries. Our solutions have led to success and grand customer acquisition capabilities for the business.