How an ERP solution helped a Mobile Accessories and Trading Company boost its supply chain?
The root problem of HK accessories when they approached us was managing the inventory
through their supply chain efficiently. To boost the efficiency of the supply chain and to enhance
inventory management, Coruscate offered them a comprehensive ERP solution.
The Broad Requirements
The supply chain for HK accessories is
- Inventory Management: They wanted to be able to manage the inventory at each level in the supply chain. The stockist should be able to see the inventory available with them as well as with the distributor and manufacturer
- Purchase: The solution should be able to manage the purchases and sales between the different levels within the supply chain automatically for smooth transition and transactions
- Order Management: In case the distributor has ordered 10 pieces and the number of pieces that reach him is less than the ordered piece, the distributor can sue the stockist. This order mismatch should be taken care of by the system
- Offline management: There are times when the salesman claims they don’t have Internet connection, and don’t visit a particular manufacturer or, say they have visited even when they have not. Without the internet connection, it is impossible to tell if they are saying the truth or not. The application should make offline management possible
- Offer Management: In some cases, the salesman would give away offers that are not really available. This could cause losses to the company. The system should be able to track the available offers in real-time
- Demand: Gauging the demand at the distributor’s and retailer’s end was again a difficulty faced by the factory outlet. They did not know what kind of products the customer intends to buy and what they would rather not buy

How our ERP system helped HK?
We devised a custom ERP solution for HK accessories. We had already built an ERP product which had most of the issues handled. Apart from that, we added a few more details, which resolved the issues faced by the client.
Inventory Management
Every level can view the inventory available with them as well as with their supplier, making it easy for them to place the order.

Order Management
The ERP could manage the orders. The system would track the number of items to be sent, to whom it has to be sent, and whether the same has been received or there has been a mismatch.

Offer Management
We built an application that would be installed in the devices carried by the sales person. When the salesman starts in the morning, they should start the app as well. Once they start the app, they would receive details on their visits, the routes on map, what they need to do i.e. they have to receive payments or orders etc. The application can run in offline mode, which means even when the Internet is unavailable, they can receive the orders, upload the photos and other necessary details. When they receive the connection, the device is automatically synced with the main server, sending the details to the web application Offers are managed through this system. If the user wants to see the offers available, and the ones they can avail, they can see through the web application

Offer Management
At any point of time, based on the Dastavej value of the property any user can easily calculate estimated Jantri rate applicable on the property.

Similarly, the factory and distributor end can know the demand based on the inventory sold on a regular basis.

Expense Tracking
The system made it easy for the salesmen to upload their bills and keep a track of the payments made and the invoices raised.

- The transparency between the different levels within the supply chain increased
- The supply chain became 2x efficient as compared to before the system was installed
- The tracking impacted sales and there was a definite growth in the profits