A Member-only Website Plus Mobile Application For EO Mumbai For Seamless Communication
A high-profile organization with members who were entrepreneurs with a specific turnover,
EO Mumbai reached out to Coruscate with a specific problem. Their members were unable to
look up their database or communicate with other members in times of need. The organization
was unable to manage the events they held regularly.
See how Coruscate sat down with the client to understand their requirements, and develop
the perfect solution.
The Broad Requirements
- The members should be able to search other members and communicate with them without moving out of the application. The communication should be logged so that they can refer to it at a later stage.
- They held a lot of events, and they wanted a system that could manage these events right from notifying about the events to reminding the members a day prior to the event.
- The point system that had been established by the organization needed to be automated.
- The member-only retreat was a major event that was held once in a while. They wanted some system that could manage this, so that they did not have to worry about forgetting a member or forgetting to send out a reminder.
- The organization sent out a newsletter EO Governance. They wanted the entire newsletter campaign to be managed by the system.

How our website cum mobile application solution helped their members?
After studying the requirements, we understood that they needed an accessible and easy-to-use solution. A website was a mandatory solution; however they also needed a mobile app that would be available on-the-go.
We introduced a search feature into the application, which allowed the members to search for the other members who they wanted to communicate with easily

Event Management
The web application allowed you to manage the events. Everything from event invite to emails to the other communication was done through the website. The admin had full control on what needs to be sent and when. Once automated, the emails are sent to the members. Same feature has been added for the retreat as well. The retreat was also managed by the system. It would notify the users about the upcoming retreat, the place, itinerary and send out timely reminders.

Point Management
The organization had a system to record points. Whenever they wanted to see who received how many points or who has been served with a notice for no-participation, they simply needed to get on to the site and the details are available.

Offer Management
The organization could offer value added services and manage the discounts the members can avail through this site. The members can see everything that is related to them .

Version 2
Based on the needs defined by an NGO, we developed a version 2.0 for this website cum mobile application. The proposed features for the second version were as follows.

The NGO needed to communicate blood requirements to their members so that they can offer timely help during emergencies. This application would not only offer the blood group of the members but also communicate their consent. This will help in resolving the emergencies quickly.
Syncing Events
The events added to the Google calendar are automatically synced with the application, and the reminders are sent out on the day prior as well as an hour prior.

Results Achieved
- The application helped members connect with other members and resolve emergencies quickly, thus improving engagement through the organization.
- The user experience improved with the application.