E-scooter businesses move to conquer Canada, Waterloo gets the Lime scooters on roads+ How to Make an App Like Lime + Create an App like Lime + Apps Like Lime + Develop Alternative of Lime

Electric scooter sharing companies are very popular in America and Europe. Now, their popularity is spreading to Canada as well. These tiny e-scooters are considered as a cool, fun and hip alternative for shorter distance transportation. These scooters are easy to handle and are better to avoid sweating while walking on the roads. They are not just affordable but they also make it easier to commute without getting stuck in the traffic. With the increasing popularity if Lime in more than 130 regions, now they will also be seen on the roads of Waterloo.
Lime e-scooters are already enjoying popularity across borders specifically in Frankfurt, Germany, and Zurich, Switzerland, and Paris as well. The company is excited about the future of e-scooters in Waterloo after the hesitant invite from the leaders in Toronto which is the largest city in Canada and the most desirable market for Lime.
How to Make an e scooter App Like Lime, Develop Alternative app of Lime, Lime alternative app features to consider
Lime in Waterloo
The Ontario region is allowing e-scooters and e-bikes on the public roads and Waterloo has opened its roads for the e-scooters to run. Currently, Waterloo city is testing the Lime e-scooters on six kilometers long path along the Laurel Trail in Waterloo Park and the David Johnston Research and Technology Park. The testing will continue until September. As of now, the e-scooters are not defined under the Highway Traffic act and so they cannot be used on the roadways yet.
Ryan Mounsey, the senior economic development adviser with the City of Waterloo said that the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) will work with police to keep a check on the e-scooters and will develop an approach to check how they can function on specific roads.
The staff is currently exploring the possibility of expanding the e-scooter pilot in various other parts of the city. However, the first e-scooter sharing service has started in Cannada with this pilot. The US-based electric scooter sharing company Lime has launched its services in Waterloo for the test run. Though it will be in a limited scope due to the regulations, Waterloo has allowed the e-scooters which can be operated in the bike lines.
Lime e-scooter sharing authorities have stated that being in Waterloo is an advantage as they had an ingrained tech community and can have as many users in the province to use their services. They are also expected to bring more tech jobs to the country.
Like every other city which is facing environmental issues and heavy traffic is looking for alternate transportation methods, Waterloo is also looking at the ways to provide options for transportation. They are committed to encouraging and enabling alternate forms of transportation that appeal to a wide spectrum of the residents. E-scooters have become a popular option in many other communities and people of Canada are also accepting them as a means of transportation happily.
Lime users need to download an app which to locate a nearby available scooter. They will then unlock the scooter and take it to the destination and they can drop it off in the furniture zone of the sidewalk or next to a bike rack, as the docking stations are not available as of now.
The e-scooter will cost $1 to unlock and an additional 30 cents per minute in Canada. These e-scooters are expected to be available until there is snow. The scooters are being so popular in Canada that each e-scooter is getting 4 to 5 rides per day. The e-scooter pilot project saw more than 6000 riders take more than 18000 trips in a period of just nine weeks, according to the city officials.
Uber’s plan about an entry in Canada
After this success, it does not come as a surprise if Uber plans to expand its bikes, e-scooters, and alcohol delivery service to Canada in 2019. After the debut of Lime, an electric scooter rental company in Canada, Uber has kept it as the top priority to drop its e-scooters on the Canadian streets. As its part of the plan, Uber also plans to expand its alcohol delivery services and double the headcount at its self-driving technology lab in Toronto.
One of the managers at Uber stated that they have a clear market opportunity for e-bikes and e-scooters to help people to complete their first and last mile transportation in cities grappling with congestion. The traffic congestion problem in cities like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are not easy to handle. Uber needs multiple strategies to tackle the issues.
The Jump scooter, which was taken over by Uber has been launched everywhere in the US. Uber has also partnered with Lime to enable the e-scooter rentals in the US through Uber or Lime app. The services of e-scooters have started to proliferate in the US particularly in warmer climates. They have proved to be an efficient means of commute for short trips. The e-scooter sharing startups like Lime and Bird have raised hundreds of millions and are on the verge of becoming an IPO.
Uber is still evaluating the areas of the city where they can launch in the e-scooters looking at the weather conditions in Canada. They are considering ways to convince people so that they give up cars and opt for e-scooters instead. Also, safety is a major concern when it comes to e-bikes and scooters which is the top priority of all the scooter rental companies.
With Lime and Uber’s strategy to expand their services to Canada, the startups looking for a business venture can check out the e-scooter market in Canada to start with their own business and get into the market before any other competitor jumps in. All you need is a good e-scooter sharing app that can help your customers to access your services.
A team of Coruscate is on a business trip to Canada and the US. If you have made up your mind to get into the e-scooter market, we can help you to build and e-scooter app. Not only that, if you are unaware of how to start with the business, we can even help you in defining the business model and get you your first fleet of e-scooters from the manufacturers best in the industry.
To meet us at Canada or the US regarding the app development process or any other queries, make sure you fill the contact us form to get in touch with us for a prior appointment.
Note: We do not make clones of any exact application, clone means to us is how better we can execute your app idea with existing app features and experience.