Grab raises $856Mn in Fund. How you can attract investors and get good funding for your on-demand transport app? + How to Make an App Like Grab + Create an App like Grab + Apps Like Grab + Develop Alternative of Grab

In a piece of news shared by the company on February 25th 2020, it was known that Grab has raised $856Mn in funding. Earlier, there was news that there could be a possible merger between Grab and Gojek however, Gojek has been in denial of this news.
Grab the super app will use the funding to build a long-term and sustainable business. The company is all set to use the funding to improve their financial services and payments businesses.
Early on, Grab was working on its own payment system known as Grabpay, which was typically developed for the Indonesian markets. The company is currently involved in R&D that can take it ahead of its competition.
Grab is the number of competitors of Uber and is not just into ride hailing structure, but also into food delivery, payments as well as insurance products and more. Akin to Uber, it has followed a lot of products, and is offering ease and convenience in this structure.
The app was built with the unique idea of organizing the ride hailing service in southeast Asian countries. It is currently spread across 8 countries in this region. They not only allow you to hire taxis, but also private cars, shuttles, bikes and other modes of transport. Gradually, the company spread its wings into other segments as well.
Grab is looking at a future where it will become the one-stop shop for almost all the convenience needs expressed by the countries located in southeast Asia. It will encompass entertainment, finance, transport and other needs, and become one major super app.
If you are into on-demand transport and want to devise an app that works like Grab, but is not necessarily into other businesses, then you need to work on features that bring in a difference. You will need to work on the single solid idea and combine it with the features and interface to offer the guaranteed success.
Develop Alternative app of Grab, How to Make an e scooter App Like Grab, Grab alternative app features to consider
The Features You Cannot Miss
#1 Social Sign-up
Most people have a social media account. It is time to allow them to use their accounts and sign up to the Grab app. Instead of making them go through a long registration process, which is time consuming and takes a toll on you, you need to get them to use their social media and Google accounts to sign-up. Ask for permission before you use the details they have shared in these accounts. Once you have them signed up, you have the basic details required to create the profile and they have the convenience of signing in without filling out the long forms.
#2 Push Notifications
To keep the user engaged on your app, you need to make sure you are offering them all the particulars and details of the new venture you might start, the discounts you are offering, a new offer that you have come out with and other things. You should also keep them updated about the whereabouts of their driver, the details of the taxi or vehicle they have hired and all the other important facts including “the ride is here” using these notifications. It will help you keep the user engaged. It will also help you win over the audience and keep them loyal to your app.
#3 Track your Ride
From being able to track your ride’s whereabouts to knowing if the driver is taking the right route to your destination, you are able to keep a tab on the location in real-time. As a rider, you know when to expect your driver at the doorstep. You can call using the app, in case your driver has not moved from the location. apart from this, you will be able to keep up with the safety needs by tracking your ride while moving to your destination. This is essentially why you should include the feature in your mobile app.
#4 In-app Payment
This feature is a must for all the modern apps as it allows the app user to know if they can make the payments on-the-go or not. For instance, if you have cash issues or, you need to make payment using your wallet, it is possible with the in-app payment system. They allow you to make the payments in-time, and you wont even have to go out of the app to complete the payment.
Payment integration is crucial to app development, and it will streamline all your needs.
How to Define a Good Solution?
It is critical that you define an essentially good and differentiated solution to win over your target market and maximize the conversions. Here are a few things that can help you with the solution.
- Begin with the customers: When you think of the solution, and you don’t think of the customers who are going to use the solution, you may not plan well. The idea is to make the app intuitive and friendly for the end users. For instance, when devising an app solution for the South East Asian markets, you need to make it compliant with the regulations and should make the overall taxi sharing affordable and convenient. most people in this part of the world look for a sustainable mode of transport. You should ideally offer a solution that meets their goals. When defining an on-demand taxi app, make sure you have understood the customer’s requirements, and have aptly defined an app solution for them.
- The features: The in-app features play an important role when defining an app solution for the target market. You need to introduce features that require a lower learning curve, and are intuitive in nature. You should ideally define features that have already been used, collaborate with other app APIs to make the use easy and effective. The idea is to increase the usability and make it all the more convenient for the end users.
Summing Up
There is a tough competition along the road for the on-demand taxi businesses. If you are planning a solution specifically for the southeast Asian markets then you need to think through the ways in which you can organize the market, and make it more efficient.
Coruscate has an in-depth understanding of the on-demand market and understands who the southeast Asian markets perform and function. We have been working with the industry niche and the specific market for a while, and have answered a number of queries in this segment. With our experience and customized solutions, we can help your business ace the market and grab a good portion. We help you stay ahead of competition by filling in gaps and creating a difference.
Note: We do not make clones of any exact application, clone means to us is how better we can execute your app idea with existing app features and experience.