Planning An HRMS Solution to Streamline Your Workflow? Check Out How to Deliver Payroll System Into HRMS For Your Organization?

Whether you are a small business or a big one, there is always the pressure of managing your resources to the perfection and maintaining your asset’s capabilities. This is specifically true for the human resources employed at your offices. You have to ensure that they are satisfied and working to their complete capacity.
A leading jewellery business had approached Coruscate with an HR related issue. They were facing difficulties implementing the various policies they had affirmed as well as managing them.
According to them, they spent a lot of time calculating the leaves and the total salary manually. They had manual leave application forms, which also caused a bit of an issue when it came to calculating the end of the month’s salary.
A Detailed View Into the HRMS Solution
Let’s begin with the basic needs of the HRMS solution, the requirements posed by the company.
- They had a major difficulty managing the salary structure and releasing the salary on time to the employees. The reason being, between work and calculating the salaries, they had very few hours left to actually get things done.
- Secondly, the employees were unable to see the remaining leaves with them; they could not check in on their in/out time, with which they would know if a half day was deducted or not.
- The paramount task was calculating the taxes, and other amounts, which add to the salary.
- They also lacked an efficient and effective payroll system, which meant all the salaries had to be sent into the respective accounts manually.
You can imagine how the company was facing a major issue of tackling the HR policies and ensuring the employees had a peek into the system as well. They wanted a very transparent HRMS system for the same.
That’s why our solution worked for them. Let’s understand the solution we offered to the client.
There were two solutions we derived for the client: one was from the employee’s perspective and the other from the management’s perspective.
1. Employee Solution
- The employees can easily view the in/out time for the day. In case, they have been marked late by the system, they would know about it early on. They can look into the system to see how many warnings they have received thus far.
- The employees can check into the number of leaves they have taken in the year, and the number of leaves left for them. They will also know the types of leaves available to avail.
- The employees, when they work overtime, get some amount as salary. The employees can get to know how much they can avail in salary. The overtime can also be used against the days they have come in late.
2. Management Solution
- The management can get a bird’s eye view into the attendance of the employees. The HRMS solution integrated the biometric’s data, which makes it easy to capture the late coming days, and other attendance related data. With overtime, the management solution allows the team lead or the manager to approve/disapprove the overtime hours.
- The leave management is a major issue the organization had been dealing with. They could take care of the leave management by getting a view of the number of leaves left to avail, and what type of leaves the employee has already availed.
- The management can easily calculate the salary, add the incentives, delete the amount for late hours and add the amount for overtime, and credit it to the respective accounts. The algorithm responsible for automated salary calculation takes almost everything into account.
We offered a solution based on the needs posed by the company. However, there were a few features that need to be a part of every HRMS solution. Here we will offer a list of those features
Must-have HRMS Features
Shift Schedules
Managing the shifts is important for certain organizations, wherein the employees work in various shifts. The HRMS solution should take into account these various shifts and allow the employees to manage the shifts easily. This will also help in assigning work and ensuring efficient management of work between the different departments.
Time Tracking
The management looks for real-time time tracking of the employees. The HRMS solution allows the management to take a peek into the real-time in/out time of the employees. They also know if an employee has worked late hours or has come in late, in real-time.
It is important to get an insight into the employees work hours, and how many hours they actually work. This would help the company manage their resources better. For this, they need the perfect analytics solution, which will help generate the reports.
1. Performance Evaluation
It is important for the organizations to know how their employees are performing and manage their performance with ease. You can use the HRMS to set goals for the employees and track the progress of their goals.
You would know how they work as an individual as well as a team. The idea is to improve their performance, to increase the efficiency of the team.
2. Payroll Management
You need to manage the payroll of the employees with ease, for which you require to integrate payroll management software into your HRMS.
The payroll management system will include all tax deductions, will take care of your contributions and manage the breakup of the salary that you are offering to the individual employee.
Tips to Develop An Effective HRMS Solution
Ease of Use
When developing the HRMS solution, make sure you keep the end users (both employees and the management) in mind. You need to deliver a solution that can be easily used by both the members of the target audience, and prove to help them be more efficient.
Algorithms for Auto Updates
Make sure you have considered the need for auto updates for both the company and the employees. Make sure you have designed algorithms that help the employees get auto updates about their time and performance. At the same time, the management should also receive updates when an employee works till late or comes in late.
Complete Requirement Analysis
Before you initiate a solution, you need to understand the requirement posed by the company, and what they aim to achieve with the HRMS solution.
HRMS is an effective way of managing your employees and maintaining transparency in the organization. Coruscate has effectively designed a user-friendly HRMS solution for a jewellery client. We have customized our HRMS solution to meet the other requirements as well. If you are looking for an HRMS solution and Payroll system as well, then contact us by filling up the form. Our team will not only give you the best-in-class customized solution, but also a good quote.