Wondering How To Convert Your Overflowed Excel Spreadsheet To An iPad & Android App?

Are you concerned about how to manage those data dump onto the excel sheet fed in your desktop? Frequent updates to the pool of information you might require using every time and again. Excel spreadsheets rule the business world. You need to turn your excel spreadsheet to an iPad, iPhone and Android App to stop them getting overflowed and lose your data.
According to a study done by Microsoft, facts reveal that from each Microsoft suite, excel files have a user count of more than 750 million across the globe. Huge, right? Irrespective of the domain your business deals with, Excel sheets are more of a necessity than mere means of managing data.
Google has also developed a Google spreadsheet feature just like the Google Docs for managing your data online in your google drive as cloud storage. The apps like google sheet app are gaining a lot of popularity due to their ease of access. So, you too should consider creating a spreadsheet app to access the official data rather than searching for data into Microsoft office suite files like Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel which are easily available in the play store.
The free version of Microsoft office including word excel and other such useful features has gained enough popularity among the audience. There are other compatible suites available like Polaris office and WPS office. Spreadsheet application apple numbers is also an excel sheet which has the app support in Mac OS.
True that Excel sheets are much into popularity and millions of data are stored in the form of memo creation, tracking user/client data and many more. Nonetheless, to state that this kind of work gels easily with a small scale business entrepreneur.
When huge enterprises pop into the picture, storing entire data in sheets is a tiresome task and requires great deal efforts to monitor data entry and in the long run, maintain the same.
Also, the fact that flooding the system with a plentitude of Excel sheets confuses the desired personal and he is prone to commit mistakes or by chance flair confidential sheets to third-party clients.
Owing to all discussed above and considering a huge user base along with tremendous popularity of Excel sheets, developers now seek to turn excel spreadsheet into a mobile app so that these can easily be worked on anywhere and everywhere.
Why An App for iPad and Android Over Excel Spreadsheet?
As stated, the spreadsheet is a storehouse of data and these are to be shared among clients, staff or users to assess and track. Having a mobile app would turn the entire procedure fast and aid hassle-free communication within the team members.
To add to this, a mobile app for Android and iPad would have a built-in layout that can be replicated every time a data has to be stored. Quick emails and report generation are few other benefits of an app over a spreadsheet. But hold on, app advantages do not loop here.
When you talk about converting an Excel sheet to an app, it is desirable to vent deep in ruling out the most effective features of this transformation.
» Leveraged Mobility:
Smartphones are way more handy and portable as compared to PC. Hence, it eliminates the drawback of a desktop spreadsheet. Everybody carries a smartphone and hence for urgent work and data sharing, a mobile app works best.
» Portable Data:
Since the entire data is fed into mobile devices, they are easily available at any time or place. Also, it eliminates the need for internet connectivity as it is stored in the device memory.
» Eliminate Chances of Errors:
To err is to human. Mistakes are common and manual labor owns a high risk of the same. Inducing a mobile app automates the data entry process thereby reducing the possibility of errors.
» No Need of Tracking:
Business enterprises and startup ventures that induce excel spreadsheets to track and analyze files updated and uploaded. All employees share their data through a spreadsheet and this just messed up the entire inbox.
You might have no idea from where does a file exactly generate and how to cluster all information. Having a mobile app would not just reduce redundancy but also involve seamless communication between the employee and the organization.
» Security First:
True that excel spreadsheet has the extensive feature of encrypting days through codes but the same open for hackers to peep in. This might result in the loss of confidential data questioning the credibility of the organization. Here the app comes into the picture and helps user protect data.
» Assigning User Rights:
Apps can be rightly prevented from unauthorized usage by restricting user rights and seek permission to access data.
» Brand Name:
Where excel sheets are merely a platform for data analysis, a mobile app appears to voice your business on your behalf and give it a brand name.
» User List:
Direct access to a list of clients as entered in data information of app.
Excel Calculators
Excel spreadsheets do not just aid data analysis and tracking but also has an extensive set of calculators having formulas that are not easy to comprehend. In such cases, converting an excel spreadsheet to the mobile app is the best option.
Performing tedious and huge tasks manually is not convenient and hence converting it to a mobile app automates complex calculation. Let’s have a quick snap at few industries of India.
NRG Calculator
- Thermostat Calculators;
- Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) Calculators;
- Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Calculator;
- Electric, Heat, Cooling Load Calculators;
- Also, Temperature, Fuel, Furnace, and Other Energy Savings,
- Consumption and Conversion Calculations.
In such a case, when they turn excel spreadsheet to an iPad, iPhone, and Android App, it t is important that the person had dignified knowledge about the industry. A thorough understanding of the software technicalities is required and then the right value gets delivered. It not just reduces time and efforts but also fuels up the process of providing input and anticipating quick results without delving into complex formulas.
Health & Fitness
In addition to the NRG calculator, the apps that revolve around health and fitness also seek the need for tough calculations and these comprise of ;
- LDL/HDL package
- Calculating BMI.
- Consumption of calories or majorly carbohydrate.
- Blood Pressure calculators.
- Sports calculators
Building a mobile app not just induces mobility but seek extra effort from your end. Excel calculators are of great use to the health and fitness industry men and so an app would help customize sheet as per the requirements.
Banking Domain
Banking industry dominates calculations done. Each day a plethora of currency gets added and updated in bank accounts. Both the consultant and the local public needs to spend the time to draft down multiple calculations and suggest the credibility of an investment or project planning.
Depending on the type of work being executed, multiple calculations are performed. Few of the desirable calculations include:
- Home Budget Calculators
- EMI, auto loans, PF, and debt reduction
- Install of Compound Interest along with calculator payoff to Credit Card
- Cost, Deal, & Price Calculators;
- Income Tax, and Federal Tax, along with few other taxes as Sales Tax Calculator
- Bond Value & Yield Calculators;
- Debt – Income Ratio & along with financial Calculators
But, the only medium to perform calculations were Excel sheets. Both cumbersome and tiring, they required immense efforts and manpower. Converting the sheet to an app would enable millennials to store data and perform intrinsic calculations on the go.
If you are stuck with the idea of turning your excel spreadsheet to an iPad, iPhone, and Android App, you are thinking in the right direction as the same appears to be the need of the hour.
We, at Coruscate Solution, strive towards providing an excellent solution for converting your excel sheet into a notch quality customized app. We have experts that have to transform your Google sheets to data-centric apps thereby leading to quick and easy updates. Turn your sheet to a mobile app and share your data the way you want.