Your Very Own Checklist to Creating Dating Apps Like Tinder and Crown

Online dating has given a unique window to those who want to meet new people, and has furthered the dating culture. With apps like Tinder that offer a unique interface, structured card style, the online dating scene has definitely improved and increased the user engagement. You would find people swiping to find their dates online.
Recently Tinder added a new video feature “Loop”, which allows you to post a 2-second video to your profile, thus increasing the visits.
Another interesting dating app that has been recently released is the crown app. Created by the makers of Tinder, this app is more of a game and less of anything like Tinder. In this app, the users are sent 16 profiles, personalized according to their preferences, and sent via the application.
The user can choose any one profile of the 16. The app will send the message to the chosen one, on behalf of the user, and tell them that they have won the dating game. The winners can play a game, chat or even message each other.
The idea is to choose quality over quantity any day, and improve the quality of dating through personalized content.
If you want an app like Tinder or Crown, you need your own checklist that will help you get through.
Going with Gamification:
Gamification in app development is a trend that you cannot ignore; bringing it to the dating world will help the users select from a group of few, rather than moving through the dozens of options available in the application. The app’s algorithm will play cupid in this case, and identify the right kind of people for you. You can always choose from the choices thrown at you, and make the dating circle more interesting and worthy.
When you are developing your own dating apps like Tinder, make sure you choose quality over quantity and work out a trend that would support your needs. Like gamification, you can always choose something that works and develop your dating app. Look into the current trends before you get started, and see which one is applicable.
Don’t Opt to be Two-sided:
The popularity and increased use of Tinder suggest that you have a world of opportunities available for dating apps. Tinder consists of two groups-the male and the female, making it a two-sided marketplace. The problems for the two-sided marketplace are different, and you won’t be able to solve all of them.
Tinder’s success can be attributed to the fact that it avoided being a two-sided marketplace. It majorly concentrated on the problems faced by a single group, and extended it into developing the dating app. A focused problem solving method can help you create successes.
Don’t try and multi-task with the problems if you want to develop apps like Tinder The best way to deal is focus on one side, solve the issues, and extend the same to the other side. This way your two-sided marketplace will never pose to be an issue.
User Experience is an Important Variable:
When designing your own dating app, you need to remember that user experience is an important variable, and you need to keep an executional plan ready for it.
Tinder has resolved the user experience issues with the card style interface. So, when you see someone’s profile, you get a card on your phone screens with complete data about the person. This helps you know the person better. This card style allows for a clean and engaging interface.
Gaming in the other dating app Crown has allowed for increased interest from the users, which in turn allows for increased engagement. The experience of gaming with fellow people who can be your date is fascinating.
You will need to plan for experiences, either visual or engaging, which will help your users stay on the app for a longer while, and which will help them connect with the brand better.
Stay on the Budget:
Determine the app development cost at the start. This will include thorough planning of the app interface and the features. You should ideally develop an MVC before moving on to a fully defined product.
The budget is dependent on a number of variables, which include developer cost, the cost of the features, etc. Make sure you stay on the budget when getting an app developed.
Updating the App:
The dating market evolves continuously, and you should ideally make way for the new updates. Your app should be constantly upgraded to meet the new demands posed by the industry, and include the new features. The addition of video feature was in line with the evolving needs of the Tinder market, and to stay afloat amidst competition.
Summing up:
This checklist will help you get started with your idea, and set a pace for the development. However, it is a good idea to seek the help of a good mobile app development company to plan your app like a pro.
If you have an app idea that needs to be converted into a viable solution or want a Tinder clone, connect with Coruscate. We have been delivering simple solutions to complex problems successfully.
Note: We do not make clones of any exact application, clone means to us is how better we can execute your app idea with existing app features and experience.