Business opportunities during coronavirus outbreak: These 5 app-based businesses will thrive after we contain the coronavirus outbreak

This is undoubtedly a difficult time for all of us. The number of infected people is increasing rapidly. While writing this blog on 20th March 2020, 245,834 coronavirus cases and 10,046 deaths have already been recorded globally. Following graph clearly depicts the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.
Coronavirus pandemic isn’t only affecting the day-to-day life of billions of people, but it is also affecting the performance of the global market. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has already downgraded the real GDP growth projections for almost all economics by a significant percentage.
Amid such an unsettled situation, business owners and entrepreneurs do not prefer to invest their money to start any kind of app-based business.
However, extensive research done at the Coruscate by our business experts suggests that this temporary slowdown is unknowingly fueling the many good business opportunities which will start popping up once we contain the coronavirus.
Because coronavirus is changing the service adoption pattern of the users. For instance, people nowadays prefer to order food online through contact-less delivery rather than going out.
There are many other businesses like on-demand food delivery businesses which have already been experiencing the highest-ever user base due to the coronavirus outbreak.
So, if you are an entrepreneur and focusing on the business opportunities during and even after a coronavirus outbreak, we will make you familiar with the 5 app-based businesses which will thrive once we contain the coronavirus outbreak.
But before discussing that, we need to address the most anticipated question:
When will we successfully contain the coronavirus outbreak?
Though no one knows the exact answer, one thing is very certain that the results of strong measures taken by different countries will start popping up from mid or late April and by September or October, we can fully control the coronavirus outbreak. And if we consider the worst-case scenario, the coronavirus outbreak may last until we find a vaccine which is estimated to be market-ready around Christmas-2020 (or even before the United States presidential election).
Meaning, you have next six to eight months to be prepared to get everything out of the market which will skyrocket once we contain the virus. So, if you want to grab this business opportunity created by the coronavirus outbreak, the following are the 5 app-based businesses which you can consider.
5 app-based businesses that will thrive after we contain the coronavirus outbreak
Though the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak will be very severe, there are a few app-based businesses that will witness the positive side of the coronavirus outbreak.
Following are those 5 app-based businesses that will thrive after the coronavirus outbreak.
E-scooter sharing business
Superpower USA and all other countries are promoting social distancing which is the best weapon we have right now to combat the coronavirus outbreak. But people travelling in crowded public transportation are at a higher risk of the coronavirus as they are not at the safe distance from fellow passengers in a crowded bus or train.
Currently, when the coronavirus outbreak is at its peak in Europe and the USA, people from all around the world opt more for solo travel and avoid public transportation as much as possible. Coronavirus is teaching people to avoid crowded places and people will continue applying this learning even after the coronavirus outbreak.
If we look at this changing travel pattern from the business perspective, an e-scooter is the most affordable and easy medium for people who want to travel solo. By giving them easy access to your e-scooters, you can build a very large user base.
However, you have to ensure that your team disinfects the throttle of the e-scooters many times in a day!
On-demand food delivery business
This is one of the businesses which has already been experiencing the positive side of the coronavirus outbreak. Even during a pandemic, the UK on-demand food delivery segment has increased by 11%. According to CNBC, Southeast Asia’s top on-demand service provider, Grab’s food delivery business has witnessed the rise in demand by 20% in the last few days.
One of the major reasons behind the surge in on-demand food delivery industry is the changing service adoption pattern of the users. Amid coronavirus, people do not go out in crowded restaurants to be an easy victim of coronavirus. Instead, they order food online.
Food delivery companies are also introducing new features to make sure the virus-free food packages. One of such features is non-contact delivery.
If you want to know more about developing a food delivery app to launch it in the market during the coronavirus outbreak or after it, you can read our dedicated blog on it.
On-demand grocery delivery business
Grocery is one of the essential requirements of the people. They can, of course, visit nearby supermarkets to buy the grocery. But considering the risks, people nowadays order grocery more through on-demand grocery apps and unknowingly develop a habit to order through grocery apps more often.
This is what we are experiencing in the USA. According to Apptopia, US on-demand grocery apps have been experiencing a rapid increase in the numbers of daily downloads. If we compare the average daily downloads in February to March 15 2020, Instacart, Walmart Grocery and Shipt have seen their daily downloads surge by 218%, 160% and 124%, respectively.
Home workout apps
To contain the coronavirus outbreak, cities across the world impose total lockdown. This leaves no other options to people for workout except home workout apps. These apps enable people to take care of their health while not leaving home.
There is already a large user group available which does not prefer to go to the gym. Instead, they use home workout apps to save costs and time. The coronavirus outbreak is causing the irruption of many such user groups. You can promote your home workout apps to these people and earn a lot of money through the subscription model.
Online teaching apps
Education sector is one of the worst affected sectors due to the coronavirus outbreak. As of 16 March 2020, governments in 73 countries have announced or implemented school closures, including 56 countries which closed schools nationwide and 17 countries with localized school closures.
During such a dreadful time, the online teaching apps come to rescue. It lets students around the world keep studying from their homes. Like home workout apps, a large number of users have already been using many such online teaching apps. But this usage is expected to be doubled as parents will continue taking all precautions even after a coronavirus outbreak.
How can Coruscate help you to grab business opportunities created by the coronavirus outbreak?
Coruscate is the top mobile app development company which has mastered e-scooter app development and on-demand app development. We accommodate 100+ app developers, app designers, business experts, and legal advisors who make your business journey effortless.
We are headquartered in one of the less affected counties from the coronavirus and thus, we are working with the peak productivity. We have already set up the IT infrastructure to ensure high productivity if the situation goes out of control and we have to implement work-from-home policy.
To address the different requirements of the different startups, we offer different app development approaches which influence the cost of the app development.
- To develop the custom app with all custom features, we charge somewhere between $15K and $30K.
- The cost to develop a clone version of some popular app starts from just $10K.
- We also offer a subscription plan for the e-scooter app which starts from $500.
To know more about our cost structures, get personalized quote, and share your requirements, feel free to contact us. Our senior team member will revert you with the free app demo and free consultation.