Bolo App Clone : A new advancement in education app development – Google launches a speech-based reading tutorial app ‘Bolo’

“Learning improves creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking gives us knowledge and knowledge makes you great.” To acquire this greatness, the world is putting technology to better use. Like every other sector, technology has made huge advancements in the education sector also. The education apps are helping the teachers in imparting much more effective education than ever before.
The education technology startups, entrepreneurs, private educational institutions and schools and colleges can be interested in the contents that we discuss in this blog.
About Bolo :
As a recent advancement in education app development, Google has launched its reading tutorial app called ‘Bolo’ in India. Google thinks technology has the power to revolutionize the teaching and learning methods and wants to ensure that all the students to benefit from it. It is expanding the suite of apps with the new learning app Bolo.
Thought Behind Bolo : Inspiration to develop Bolo
According to an article in TechCrunch, illiteracy is a huge problem in India. Only 74% of the population is able to read. To eliminate this problem, Google was inspired to launch the Bolo education app for kids.
Google ran a pilot model where 920 children were provided the education app and 600 were in a control group without the app. They found out that 64% of the students who were provided the app could read better within three months.
What does the app offer?
The app is expected to help elementary school-aged students. It is supported by Google’s speech recognition and text-to-speech to help kids to learn and read Hindi and English. Bolo offers a list of 50 stories in Hindi and 40 in English. The stories are included from Google wants to partner with other organizations in order to expand the story selection.
The app also includes a reading buddy ‘Diya’. She encourages and helps the children to read and corrects the child when they read aloud. Diya, the virtual helper works on the same technology as Google assistant. She can listen and responds to the kids providing them the feedback for their reading. She can also read and explain the meaning of the text to the children. The personal information of the kids remains only on the device in order to ensure their privacy. Children can build a good habit of daily reading using this app.
As the kids jump on the next stage in the app, they are presented with word games. These games come with in-app rewards and badges to motivate them. The children can play and learn at the same time and get better each day.
Internet availability is not an issue with the app. The app works offline. It can be used by multiple children and according to their own reading levels. The app UI and Diya’s voice are in Hindi and the app is optimized to be used on Android smartphones running on Android 4.4(Kit Kat) and higher.
Advantages of downloading Bolo app for the kids
Read by themselves: Bolo is just like a real reading tutor. It listens, motivates and corrects the kids while they read.
A large variety of engaging stories in both English & Hindi: The stories that are available on the app are carefully selected and are absolutely free like every other reading material on the app.
» Makes kids understand English better: Diya- the app buddy reads and explains the meaning of English words in Hindi to the kids. This makes them understand the English language in a better way.
» Fun learning: Games, puzzles and in-app rewards make the app a fun way to learn.
» Customised for kids: The app can be accessed by multiple kids and they can even track their progress separately. The recommendation of stories and games is done according to the progress of each kid.
Non-stop learning: Kids can focus without having to care about the lagging internet speed or data packs as the app is available offline.
How can you be benefited by developing a google Bolo clone app?
The education industry is adopting disruptive methods for the better of student’s future. The old methods are no longer a useful means of imparting education. There are many countries where the literacy rate is very low among the population.
Developing a Bolo clone app can help you reach millions of elementary kids and improve the literacy rates not just in India but in different countries. You can build the Bolo clone app in various languages apart from Hindi and English. You have scope across the world if you wish to develop an education app like Bolo.
How can you design a good educational app?
Remember, focusing purely on the academic side while developing an education app will not work. You also need to concentrate on other elements like persistence and strategies.
Your app should allow the children to think in a different way. They should encourage the problem-solving approach in order to jump to the next level. At the same time, the kids should enjoy using your app. So, you need to incorporate the fun element in the education app too.
The education app should focus on the overall development of children and not just focus on academics. Before developing an education app you should think from the parent’s and teacher’s point of view. Teachers want education apps to be developed to fulfill academic goals and access the students. They even develop lesson plans to cater to these needs. At the same time, parents want the learning process to be an engaging one. And the children, of course, want the education to be like a video game.
Our research team and developers have worked together to capture the requirements and incorporate them in a bundle of surprise. Coruscate can be your best choice if you wish to build an education app or a Bolo clone app.
We can suggest you the best features to include in your app based on the unique requirements of your business and your target audience. Our skilled developers can build an education app like never before and make your business a huge success.